About Us
WITH global competition in Electrical Power Generation; & Distribution systems, and with introduction of ISO 9000 requirement; a great need was felt by Indian manufacturers of Transformers to considerably improve design to cut material input cost and introduce good manufacturing technology using good quality components to reduce failures in Large Power Transformers
An ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Company
Transvick manufactures all types of insulation components for large EHV Transformers with voltage range of 11 – 400 KVand ratings of 1 – 315 MVA as well as locomotive Transformers
Why us
We are proud to say that Transvick has a special Green Channel Supplier Status and higher performance rating with its numerous clients, such as, Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (BHEL, Bhopal India), Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited (Jhansi,l India), Crompton Greaves (Bhopal India), and Asea Brown Bovery (ABB, India).
Transvick is also approved for 400 KV transformer by ABB and TBEA.
To make our company a global icon, the best in class in what we do. The products and services we offer should be comparable to the best internationally. Our business processes and system should set a benchmark for others. We should earn the respect of our competitors and appreciated by our customers.
Our raw material supplier performance is monitored every 6 months to ensure high quality raw material and to make sure that the supplier that does not meet the quality standards of our customers consistently is delisted. All raw material purchases are done as per the requirement of our customers.
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